Opatra Dome Facial Skin Analyzer

Opatra Dome Facial Skin Analyzer

  • Opatra Dome Facial Skin Analyzer – €50
    Introducing the Opatra Dome
    The Opatra dome is the worlds most advanced skin detection skin analyser that captures multispectral photos of the face, examining the complexion of fine lines and wrinkles, spots, pores, texture, porphyrins, UV spots, moisture and pigmentation.The Opatra clinically measures the surface and sub surface of the skin using state of the art digital imagery, using RGB visible light, PL polarised light and UV spectrum imaging technology. This is then dissected by Artificial intelligence and imagery analysis to provide a multi-layered insight into your skin’s current health which include your skin’s current age and a visual projection and insight into how your skin will look in 5 and 10 years.Whether you are looking for reassurance on your skin’s overall health or a detailed breakdown of exact damage with a specifically tailored treatment plan, the Opatra Dome is a fantastic tool to diagnose such concerns.